Hedging the line between fall and winter, Halloween is the time of pumpkin carving, apple bobbing and dark superstition. But underneath the celebrations, graveyard stories and supernatural experiences lies some powerful mindset practices.
Today’s show dives deep into the supernatural and gives you one powerful practice to constantly make progress towards your goals.
Here Are The Unnerving Highlights:
The 4 Quadrants
One of the most scary thoughts one could ever experience is reaching an age only to look back in complete regret, knowing that you’d spent your entire life and only scratched the surface of living life to your full potential.
Overcoming this hurdle and making damn sure you live your life with zero regrets is simple - but isn't sexy. And it all comes down to planning, being patient and taking action.
Enter today’s episode at your own will!
How often does it feel like you are wasting your time doing things you either hate doing or really feel you shouldn’t be doing?
What’s up everyone? Got a great show for you today. You’re about to take the red pill to open your eyes to how you’re plugged into the time-sucking matrix!
Speaking of matrix, as a bit of background, you might want to do a quick Google search on Stephen Covey’s four quadrant Time Management Matrix ...
The tools and exercises we’re going to talk about are some of the most powerful for helping you to truly see how you are spending your time. And this will help you to know what you need to cut out so you can focus your energy on where you really should be spending your time..
What’s on tap:
Daily F5 goals ...
One other thing you might find useful, as you employ the concepts in this podcast, it’s important to think once more about your goals. When I’m scheduling my weeks, I’m very intentional on setting my F5 goals for each day. F5 stands for: Focus. Fitness. Family. Finance. Fun. These categories work for me, and they might for you as well, but hopefully they’ll serve as a springboard for further thought.
Leave a review!
Alright, that does it for this week. As I mentioned last week, I would greatly appreciate it if you’d share this podcast with a friend who could benefit, and please leave the show a review on iTunes. This helps us get in front of more listeners looking for ways to become their best selves.
Next week, I got something scary brewed up for you, with it being Halloween and all (I love this time of year ...). Until then, keep pressing forward. You’re stronger than you know!
“Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.” - Sun Tzu, Art of War
What’s up Inner Strength listeners? Do you like that quote? There is a lot of high-level success coaching that can be gleaned from it. And it’s at the heart of what we’re going to chat about today.
I’ve been thinking through the Go-Giver series of books that I’ve been reading by author Bob Burg, and I wanted to share some thoughts with you because I believe the depth of knowledge from these books will help you to accomplish any goal, and ultimately, that is what this Inner Strength show is all about. So without further adieu, here is what we’re going to unpack today ...
Show Highlights:
Ok. So this was a bit different than some of the stuff we’ve talked about in the past, but as you’ll see, the knowledge in these books is complementary to everything you’re already doing to become the best version of yourself. This is just another tool in the arsenal. And remember, leading others begins with leading yourself, and all of these points are applicable in that regard.
Leave us a review!
After more than a year of shows, we’re getting into a pretty good groove, and I’m hearing from listeners that the show is helping them. I am so happy to hear that.
If you like the show, you’re getting value from it, please leave the show a positive review on iTunes. And be sure to share the show with someone you know who could benefit.
Becoming our best selves and unlocking our own inner strength naturally leads to wanting to help others to do the same. Sharing this with them is a good start.
Alright. That’s all I’ve got for you today. I hope you geek out on this stuff like I do. Until next time, keep pressing on. You’re stronger than you know!
You know, I’ve always wondered why people like going to haunted houses intent on being scared around this time of year. I think I’ve got it figured out … PEOPLE LOVE FEAR! It’s true. There’s excitement in being afraid. We are always afraid of something, but as I mentioned in the last episode, that fear can either fuel you or rule you.
I believe the fear that rules and keeps you from moving is simply fear without enthusiasm. That is the other key ingredient for forward motion toward a goal. If you can harness your fear and find enthusiasm and excitement in it, there’s not a thing in this world you can’t accomplish.
Show Highlights:
Give in to your fears ...
This is a really heady topic. And it expands upon one of the last points we covered last time. In that episode, I said fear is: (F)alse (E)vidence (A)ppearing (R)eal. And it is, because the thing you fear is always in the future. But while it may be etherial, it can still push us to achieve beyond what we would otherwise if we didn’t experience it, i.e., the fear of death after a heart attack leading to a new enthusiasm for working out …
Find a way to infuse fear into something related to your end goal, and let that fear excite you, driving your enthusiasm for what must be done to achieve your fitness and life goals.
Thanks for listening! I’d appreciate it if you’d leave the show a review on iTunes, and share this with a friend who could benefit from this knowledge.
As always, you’re on the right path in your journey toward unlocking your inner strength, and I’m humbled to be on it with you. You’re stronger than you know!
Try to think of one of history’s greatest cowards. Did you come up with anybody? What about a hero - someone who disregarded their personal safety to take a massive action they believed in their heart to be right. I bet you could name quite a few of them …
The fact is, no one remembers the cowards. We remember the bold, or better yet, it’s the boldness of others that inspires us to remember. So how can you be bold so that history will remember you were here?
Show Highlights:
Create a mission statement for your life
Today, we got into some heavy topics. The thing is, there is no cut and dry, black and white paint-by-numbers path to success. And if there was, it wouldn’t inspire anyone to take it. Only people with a mission that drives them take inspiring, bold action. I know you have it in you to be one of them. But it starts with creating your own life mission statement. So get on that.
Being bold together ...
At Newell Strength, our mission is to inspire people to make positive change in their lives. That means we have to be working toward making positive change in our own lives, and we are. But one last thing I wanted to mention, as you write your mission statement and begin taking bold action, remember, you’re never alone. You’re simply bolder earlier on than the person you’ve yet to inspire.
Thanks for listening and be sure to get after it this week. You’re stronger than you know!