Today we’re going to begin by learning something very valuable from someone whose inner strength I can’t help but deeply admire. When it comes to your mindset, it can be easy to get too optimistic. But do you know what happens to optimists in POW camps? They die! And it’s because they overlook a key aspect of seeing it through. Learn it from Vietnam POW, Admiral James Stockdale, himself when he said: “This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”
How’s that for a pro tip? Alright. Now on to what to work on in the gym. Write this down and implement it, and you’ll be haulin’ and ballin’ well into your 80s. Let’s jump in ...
Today, we’ll discuss:
-The two types of muscle groups and the purpose each serves in your body. Knowing this will help you better understand how to train them, specifically (2:41)
-Want a bustin’ chest and bulging biceps? You don’t need to torch those muscles as much as you need to do this ... (3:56)
-Why working on your mobility is probably the most important thing you should be doing in the gym, and which parts of your body you especially need to target (4:40)
-These muscles get smaller and weaker as we age. Here’s what you need to do to slow down the process (6:20)
-Almost every symptom of muscle aches, pain or discomfort is due to this one crucial thing you’re body’s likely not getting enough of (8:17)
What sort of geezer do you want to be?
Today’s episode is especially cogent if you plan on living for any significant amount of time. One of the dumbest things I see people do is to train harder than what their body can handle on a consistent basis. This trashes your joints and soft tissue long term. The thing you should be thinking about is what kind of life you want to lead in your 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. Train for that life and you’ll be set.
Hope you got something good from the show! Please share it with a friend and help me out by leaving me a review on iTunes. If you’re so inclined, catch these shows live on Facebook:
Until next time, when we delve more into hormones, you’re stronger than you know!
Kyle Newell
If you have show suggestions or an interesting idea you want me to talk about, please contact me at or at You can also leave a comment or review on today’s show. We love hearing from you!
You might think today’s show is all about how to get ripped performing 16-ounce curls. You can definitely get “ripped” like that alright, but that’s not what I’m talking about today. Alcohol is really a neutral thing–you can use it to loosen up, have a great time and make life more enjoyable, or you can abuse it and destroy your life. And it’s very similar with your workouts. In today’s episode, I’m relating “how” and “what” you drink as an allegory for your workout routines, so hit play and get ready to guzzle some knowledge!
Today, we’ll discuss:
-The ONLY two things you can actively change when trying to shift your mindset–and the absolute quickest way to change one of them ... (1:29)
-Simplify your understanding of habit formation by focusing on the four habit categories (2:33)
-Hedonic adaptation, and why, for your brain, the greatest happiness lies in the pursuit (3:53)
-Can you drink just a couple of drinks and still have fun? (Yes) Then why are you working out to get sore? Here’s what’s happening to your body when you do ... (4:45)
-Where your soreness after a workout is REALLY coming from. It’s not where you think ... (5:13)
-Beers? Vodkas? Margaritas? Different types of alcohols have different effects on your brain–Just like these types of workout changes affect your muscle development (7:02)
-Let’s get kinesthetic! You’re a stack of joints. Some are mobile while some are stable. Know which are which because this can help you diagnose true sources of pain (9:20)
The Road Less Traveled
As a loyal Unlocking Your Inner Strength Show listener, you probably now know more about how the body and mind works than 90 percent of people. You elitist, you! The next episode will dovetail off of this one and work to give you a roadmap for how to apply the “minimum effective dose” toward what you actually want to train for. Be sure to tune in.
Hope you enjoyed today’s show! Please share it with a friend and help me out by leaving me a review on iTunes. Remember, you can catch these shows live on Facebook:
You’re stronger than you know!
Kyle Newell
If you have show suggestions or an interesting idea you want me to talk about, please contact me at or at You can also leave a comment or review on today’s show. We love hearing from you!
Are you blessed with a fast metabolism? Or do you feel like you gain weight just looking at a slice of pizza? Can I let you in on a little secret? … It! Doesn’t! Matter! Fast or slow metabolism, there are so many other factors that account for your body composition. Some of you have greater control over than others. And the good news is, knowing this can help you make significant gains (Ha! See what I did there?) toward ridding yourself for good of that stubborn fat on your way toward greater strength and health. So let’s dive in ...
Today, we’ll discuss:
Burn, baby, burn ...
You burn calories every minute of the day. Use this deeper understanding of your body’s physiology to–like we talked about in the mindset portion–plan out your approach. Knowing your body type and the factors outside of metabolism that affect your body composition sets you well on your way toward becoming your best self. And remember, you don’t need hours upon hours each week in the gym to get there.
Hope you enjoyed today’s show! Don’t forget to leave me a review on iTunes. And catch these shows live on Facebook:
Thanks for listening! You’re stronger than you know!
He who loses his marbles dies wondering what could have been …You might be thinking I’ve lost mine, but I assure you, there’s a deep lesson here. I’m going to share with you something I personally do to help me tangibly feel the value of my time. Doing this keeps me laser-focused on what I want to achieve in my life, as well as the time I have in which to do it. Want to know what this exercise is? Great! Listen on. I’ll share this pearl of wisdom as well as how to value your time in your exercise routines.
Today, we’ll cover:
Speaking of time ...
I hope you feel like these episodes bring value to your time. I know how much I love sharing this stuff with you and I sincerely hope it leads you to find the strength within you to do more, and be more.
If you enjoyed today’s show, don’t forget to leave the show a review on iTunes. And if you have something you want me to cover in a future podcast, go to my Facebook page:, and shoot me a comment or drop me a message.
Thanks for listening! Don’t forget, you’re stronger than you know!