In today's episode:
☑️how to create unstoppable momentum
✅if you can predict it, you can own it
☑️don’t feel bad about feeling like an imposter
I am an educator at heart. In today's episode, I discuss the value of education and how to best educate yourself. And it's not the traditional route. Enjoy!
Fasting is something I am very passionate about and I know can change the lives of many. In today's episode, I cover 8 bullets and benefits of fasting that are simply too amazing to ignore.
Newell Strength almost didn't happen. In fact, it was between starting a landscaping company and staring a personal training business back in 2007. And along the way, there were many times that I wanted to stop because of burnout and obstacles. But we persisted and continue to inspire people from all over the country. Enjoy this short story down memory lane!
In this final entry on the 33 rules that I live by, we discuss: judgment, letting go of the rope, being the BEE, planning out your day, the value of a Coach, the Golden Rule, the slight edge and using resistance as your compass in life. Enjoy!
Episode 157 of Unlocking Your Inner Strength: rules 21-25
✅know your why
✅guard your time
✅you only lost if...
✅learn daily
This week, we have rules #16-20 for success in life. One of the topics I cover is the idea of fear being an illusion. This episode is short yet super powerful and will give you tools to put to use right away. Take a listen and enjoy!
In this episode, I go over the next 5 rules that have impacted my life and helped me to become a better version of my former self. Today I cover:
Tune in to hear my thoughts on each and enjoy!
In today's episode, I cover rules 6 through 10 with concepts that have helped me to live life on my terms. Here they are:
But you'll have to take a listen if you want to hear me go more in depth on these. Enjoy!
I've been working on 33 tips that have had a huge impact on my life and that allow me to win more often than I lose. In today's episode, I shared tips 1-5 and explain how to put them to use. Next week, we will be covering 6-10. Enjoy!
So many people are lead to believe that it's the external numbers that should dictate our fitness. The number of calories, the number on the scale, the numbers in the gym and so forth. What if there was one thing you could monitor that would ensure you are on the right track without having to micromanage your fitness, thus taking away from all other areas of your life? It's called Energy. Tune in to find out more!
Everyone has bad days. It is part of being human. The key, however, is knowing when you are having a bad day and preventing that from turning into a bad week which can then turn into a bad month and so on. In today's episode, I tell you from my own personal experience how I deal with bad days and what I do to change my state of mind. If you'd like more info about working with me one to one, you can go to
In today's episode, I discuss the skill of listening and things you should be aware of when it comes to listening. In the second half, learn about why leading a life of convenience will lead to you being average, which is the worst thing to be. Learn about the 3 C's that will counteract the urge to live with convenience.
I come from a family of teacher's. Teaching is in my blood. And if you are in any position of leadership, you are going to teach, whether you are aware of it or not. And life is about growing, growing is about learning, learning is about teaching. In today's episode, I explain my views on teaching and why teaching is part of a continuum of true life experience. Enjoy!
In life, once you decide upon something, you cut yourself off from every other way. When you know the way, you can move forward. But in order to fully decide, you must know the deeper reasons behind what you are doing and WHY you are doing 'it'.
To find out more about working with Kyle one to one, go to
If you are shortsighted with your training goals, you will more than likely fall into the trap of training just for vanity. In other words, primarily training just the muscles that you can see in the mirror. The main muscles of youth, however, are found on the backside of the body. These muscles will be there for you when you are 70, 80 or even 90 years old and plus, they will make you look more powerful!
Time is the most valuable thing that we possess. Once it's gone, it's gone for good. Yet, so many people waste time because they were never taught the principles about time and energy management that I am about to share with you, including: focus, timed work blocks, the time-intensity curve, expandable work and planning out your days. Take a quick listen and apply what you find useful! To find out more about Coaching with me you can go to
One of the tried and true principles in life, in my opinion, is the idea of continually emptying your cup, so you can learn and grow more. Yet, people seem to struggle with this. In this episode, I explain why I empty my cup, what can be an obstacle from emptying your cup and how you can put it to good use!
In life, its of the utmost importance that we have principles and values to live by. One of the most important values that has served my life is the principle of the slight edge. You can apply it if you so choose and no, you don't need a certain amount of knowledge or talent before you begin. Listen and apply! To find out more about Coaching with Kyle you can go to
The Panda represents the yin and yang of life. It has a calm demeanor and the strength of a tiger. In this episode, I talk about the key principle in my life that has allowed me to live life on my terms, simply taking action while others wait for all the lights to turn green. Take a listen and apply what you can!
To commit to anything requires some level of understanding of what you are trying to do. In this episode, I give you the nitty gritty on what happens when we meditate and how I like to best meditate. Its my hope that you can take one thing from this short, 10 minute episode and put it to use. To find out more about Coaching with Kyle you can go to
Thinking. We have something like 75,000 thoughts per day. Most of the time we believe we have no control over those thoughts. Well, in today's episode, I explain why you need to be aware of your thoughts and a few different ways to think about things that you've probably never thought about before. Don't take massive action, rather, think small. To find out more about Coaching 1-1 with Kyle, you can go to
Whenever I talk about a person's two greatest assets, it usually isn't given a second thought, because it is so simple. Today, I discuss one way in particular that you can increase your energy and confidence and also one way you can be sure that you will destroy it. Enjoy!
In today's episode, I discuss the one thing we all want more of, which is happiness. But until you understand what it is and how to have it, it will be fleeting. Take a listen as I break it down in just a couple minutes of your time. If you'd like to learn more about Kyle's Coaching, you can go to
With all this talk of goal-setting, I thought it would be beneficial to you to talk about the whole reason or purpose for any goal, which is to increase your level of happiness. In this 12-minute episode, I explain what happiness is and give you a few tips on how to have more of it without having to 'get to the end of the rainbow'. To find out more about Coaching with Kyle, go to