In today’s episode, I continue to unpack the book, The 50th Law.
Realize in life that you are alone. Realize that no one is coming to your rescue.
And know that being free from what others think you should be, is the ultimate freedom.
Do you know what your principles in life are?
It’s okay if you don’t know, most are never asked this question.
In today’s episode, I take a detour from the lessons of fear to give you the framework for developing your philosophy of life.
For an example, you can download my free '33 Principles to Win at Life' manual to get your brain going on this concept. You can get it here:
In today’s episode of ULYIS, I present to you another in my series of ‘The 50th Law’.
All about fear and how to handle it.
You’ll have to listen to find out the source of all knowledge, but know that you have to empty your cup constantly if you are going to access it.
Enjoy the listen!
Over ten years ago, I first read the book, the 50th Law.
It is one of my top 5 all-time books.
In today’s episode, I go over some lessons that I pull right from the book and share with you my insights and experience with these principles.
Who couldn’t use a little more fearlessness in their life?
Two weekends ago, Suzy and I went on a road trip.
But it wasn’t just a road trip, it was a journey.
A journey in which Suzy had a big break through with her faith.
A journey in which I witnessed here metamorph from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
This episode is me, witnessing a beautiful transformation. Enjoy!