As I continue to break down the 50th Law and lessons on being fear-less, it should become more and more apparent that unless you learn how to deal with fear, you will always live life at way less than your potential.
Coming into the New Year, you will think about what you want to achieve this year or why this year is going to be different.
It will only be different once you think differently (about fear specifically).
When most people get sick, their only go-to is medication for symptom relief.
I get it, I’ve been there.
But what if you could have some ‘out of the box’ supplements that would prevent you from getting sick in the first place?
Yes, this may be controversial because of the Lame Stream Media, but I am not one to shy away from controversy.
How Does a Week Without Worry Sound?
Two weeks ago, I told Devon that I was making a commitment to not have any worries for a week.
Yes, those thoughts were certainly going to pop up, the task was going to be to shift my attention as soon as I felt them.
Afterall, the grass is always greener where you put your focus.
In today’s episode, I share the next batch of lessons about being fear-LESS.
Napolean, one of, if not the greatest army generals in history had a philosophy on mental to physical.
The moral was to the physical a 3 to 1 advantage.
Meaning, your mind and attitude are far more powerful than your physical resources.
We see this in great talent that never seem to achieve their full potential.
However, once understood and applied, it can be your biggest advantage.
In today’s lesson, I pick out 7 key points from the next installment of the 50th Law and being fear-LESS.
Napolean, one of, if not the greatest army generals in history had a philosophy on mental to physical.
The moral was to the physical a 3 to 1 advantage.
Meaning, your mind and attitude are far more powerful than your physical resources.
We see this in great talent that never seem to achieve their full potential.
However, once understood and applied, it can be your biggest advantage.
In today’s lesson, I pick out 7 key points from the next installment of the 50th Law and being fear-LESS.