
Unlocking Your Inner Strength

Unlocking Your Inner Strength is about finding your inner and outer strengths. Learn how you can step into your greatness. This show blends Mind Mapping, philosophy and a lifetime of being a strength coach and bodybuilder.
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Unlocking Your Inner Strength










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Dec 27, 2022

In this episode Kyle sits down with Steve Parente, CEO and Founder of Procare Rehabilitation. They talk about what it takes to grow a business in times like this. We hear Steve's story growing up and how he tackled challenges from life to business. If you want to learn what it takes to start a business from the ground up, then listen to this episode!


Show Notes: 

4:04: The College Problem

10:45 The Origin of Procare

19:30: The Growth of Procare 

31:48: Marketing Advice 

38:00: The Start of Steve's Fasting Journey 


Have you tried fasting and it didn't work? If you need someone to kickstart your fasting journey then click here to apply for the Panda Challenge where Kyle holds you accountable, motivates you, and teaches you everything you need to know to guarantee you hit your goals in 6 weeks.

Click Here ➡️ ➡️The Panda Challenge


Check out Newell Strength's website and get 2 free personal training sessions on me! 

Watch this youtube video on the 3 Secrets to Develop The Mind of a Champion

Click here: to check out my Tik Tok for short clips of podcast interviews and awesome workout tips! 

Check out my Instagram where I give you free workout tutorials and tips


Dec 20, 2022

In this epeisode Kyle catches up with his good friend Brandon Kelly, the owner of Undisputed Strength Co and creator of the infamous Dragon Juice. They go back in time and talk about the experiences they had together and how to overcome mental and physical obstacles. Kyle introduced Brandon to fasting back in 2016 and since then he has never looked back. If you want to hear about their experiences fasting, climbing Mount Washington, and overcoming challenges listen to this episode!


Show Notes:

What is Dragon Juice?: 3:12

The Hustlers Mindset: 5:22

Define Yourself in One Word: 7:30

Climbing Mount Washington: 9:00

The Benefits Ice Baths: 15:50

The Goggins Mentality: 20:55

Fasting Experiences: 24:00

Kyle and Brandon's Daily Workouts: 27:00


If you want to see how BK took his fasting experience to new heights with Dragon Juice click here:


If you want to enhance your life, lose weight permanently, and dramatically increase your energy check out my book on Amazon: The Panda Diet


Have you tried fasting and it didn't work? If you need someone to kickstart your fasting journey then click here to apply for the Panda Challenge where Kyle holds you accountable, motivates you, and teaches you everything you need to know to guarantee you hit your goals in 6 weeks.

Click Here ➡️ ➡️The Panda Challenge


Check out Newell Strength's website and get 2 free personal training sessions on me! 

Watch this youtube video on the 3 Secrets to Develop The Mind of a Champion

Click here: to check out my Tik Tok for short clips of podcast interviews and awesome workout tips! 

Check out my Instagram where I give you free workout tutorials and tips

Dec 13, 2022

In this Podcast Episode, Kyle talks about the 7 things he does for his health that sound strange but have been tested and proven to have health benefits. One is panda fasting, the best approach to permanent weight loss and sustained energy. He also tapes his mouth shut when he sleeps to make sure he is breathing through his nose and gets a good night's sleep. He drinks something called chlorine dioxide, which helps to kill off bacteria and viruses. He does backwards walking, which helps with his brain and kidneys. He does psychedelic mushrooms to help with his mental fitness. He also does cold tub therapy, which helps his heart and brain. Lastly, he does urine therapy, which helps with blood clots. If you want to hear why these 7 strange things give you superior health benefits listen to this episode! 

Check out Newell Strength's website and get 2 free personal training sessions on me! 

Watch this youtube video on the 3 Secrets to Develop The Mind of a Champion

Click here: to check out my Tik Tok for short clips of podcast interviews and awesome workout tips! 

Check out my Instagram where I give you workout tutorials and tips

🐼Visit Amazon to Get My Book on an Unconventional Way To Approach Eating: The Panda Diet

Dec 6, 2022

In this episode Kyle talks about Panda fasting and how to use your mind to control hunger. Next, why controlling insulin allows you to lose body fat and gain muscle. Lastly, why counting calories does not work and cheat meals are okay if you are eating the way the body is designed to eat. If you want to learn why Panda fasting is the best diet in the world, listen to this episode!


1:38 - Changing Your Hunger Mindset 

3:15 - Insulin Control and Growth Hormones

5:10 - Glucagon Levels 

7:05 - Alertness Hormones 

8:30 - What Causes Hunger Pains

9:30 - Calories in Vs. Calories Out 

11:15 - Why The Biggest Loser Has No Sequal 

13:40 - The Secret of The Panda Diet 



Straight Up Value Down Below ⬇️ ⬇️ 

Free Seminar:  Do You Want To Know How To Lose Weight Permanently While  Dramatically Increasing Your Energy? RSVP for my free seminar!

Check out Newell Strength's website and get 2 free personal training sessions on me! 

3 Secrets to Develop The Mind of a Champion

Check out my Instagram for workout tutorials

🐼Check Out My Book on an Unconventional Way To Approach Eating: The Panda Diet

Nov 29, 2022

In this episode Kyle talks about the 5 levels of mental toughness. How to reframe your thoughts and learn how to play to win. Everything you do in life comes down to your mindset and discipline, if you want to learn how to play to win listen to this episode!


1:00 - Level 1: Playing not to lose

2:43 - Level 2: Playing to cruise

3:48 - Level 3: Playing to improve 

5:30 - Level 4: Playing to compete

7:30 - Level 5: Playing to win



Straight Up Value Down Below ⬇️ ⬇️ 

Free Seminar:  Do You Want To Know How To Lose Weight Permanently While  Dramatically Increasing Your Energy? RSVP for my free seminar!

Check out Newell Strength's website and get 2 free personal training sessions on me! 

3 Secrets to Develop The Mind of a Champion

Check out my Instagram for workout tutorials

🐼Check Out My Book on an Unconventional Way To Approach Eating: The Panda Diet

3 Exercises For Massive Leg Growth

Nov 22, 2022

Kyle talks about the lessons he learned from starting Newell Strength from the ground up. He goes into his experience doing the Indigo Panda Challenge and 75 Hard at the same time! He also gives you the secrets on how to overcome mental challenges and do anything you set your mind to! 


Straight Up Value Down Below ⬇️ ⬇️ 

Do You Want To Know How To Lose Weight Permanently While  Dramatically Increasing Your Energy? RSVP for my free seminar!

Check out Newell Strength's website and get 2 free personal training sessions on me! 

3 Secrets to Develop The Mind of a Champion

Check out my Instagram for workout tutorials

🐼Check Out My Book on an Unconventional Way To Approach Eating: The Panda Diet

3 Exercises For Massive Leg Growth

Nov 15, 2022

In today’s episode, I recap the lessons learned and the results from doing the Indigo Panda within the 75 Hard program.


I went 5 days without food, then broke the fast.  Then 4, then 3 and then 2.


All while working out twice per day.


Capped off with an overnight 12 hour walk.  


So many lessons to share and hopefully that can apply to your life as well.  

Nov 8, 2022

As you read this, I am almost half way through my journey on 75 Hard.  


And in case you haven’t seen me on social media, I used it as leverage to test Indigo Panda on myself.  


Instantly, Indigo Panda reframed 75 Hard in my mind.  


Make no mistake, both of these programs are physical only on the surface.  


What they are really meant to do is to take you to another sphere mentally, and therefore spiritually.  


In today’s episode, I sit down in our new podcast studio and discuss in a rare interview format, my experience thus far and the mindset it takes to do something like this.  

Nov 1, 2022

I remember back in high school basketball, when I really began pushing myself and studying how to maximize my potential, I was willing to do stuff that other kids simply wouldn’t do.  


One of the most feared things every year at tryouts, the day after Thanksgiving, was when Coach would have us run an endless amount of suicides.  


He was weeding out the weak.  


There were puke buckets on the sides.  


So, I ran suicides for months leading up to tryouts my junior year.  


Let’s just say that tryouts were relatively easy for me, while I got to watch in amusement as the others were dying in their suicides.  


I practiced tough, which made the ‘real life’ easy. 


This is what you want to do with your everyday living.  


In today’s episode, I discuss 4 simple ideas that you can incorporate every day to ‘steel’ your mind.  

Oct 25, 2022


When I first began competing in bodybuilding back in 2004, I thought I knew a lot. 


For my first few contests, I was able to tough it out.  


Extreme will power and determination.  


But, as you may or may not know, you cannot form a lifestyle out of pure willpower.


Once it really clicked with me that it’s all mental, it became so much easier to life fully in my fitness and fasting focused lifestyle.  


Yes, there is discipline day in and day out, but I enjoy what I am doing.  


I need to be ready at any moment to take care of my family.  

Being a Ripped Dad is about being ready to: save your own life, save someone else’s life or being able to kick someone’s a** when needed.  


It all starts in the mind.  

Oct 18, 2022


In 2014, we ran our very first Ripped Dads contest.  


I remember at that time being so pumped to watch the transformations happen and that we had such a niche program.  


Well, over the past 8 years, I have grown to love this contest since I am now a father of 3 that knows the struggles of fatherhood and I have seen the impact we can have on dads.  


Secondly, I have also come to realize over the years that it’s all in the head.  


Your mindset is everything….EVERYTHING!


In the latest episode of ULYIS, I discuss 3 things every dad can do, right away, to take their life, relationships and career to the next level.  


Any surprise that the first thing I mention has to do with the mind????

Oct 4, 2022

How Will We Impact 1,000,000 People


A few weeks ago, I was refining our 1 year vision for Newell Strength and I had written one of the things as, ‘To impact over 5,000 local lives’.  


The only problem was….it didn’t excite me.  And if it didn’t excite me, you can be sure that my team was probably not excited.  


So, I sat there one night and thought about it and BAM!  


The 1 year vision in that realm was to impact over 1,000,000 lives around the world.  


Now, this might sound impossible, but it’s not.  


With that thing called the Web and our strategies for social media, it might actually be too low.  


But, when Evan, our Marketing Director, asked me during a recent brainstorming session, ‘What is the impact?  How will we improve over 1,000,000 lives?’  


I didn’t hesitate in my response….




That’s my thing, and that’s what I am going all in on.


Even the Panda is a function of mindset and Mind Map.  


In today’s episode, I drop 3 critical traits for mindset that you can start implementing right away.  

Sep 27, 2022

I have been studying success for a long time.  


And while success is a personal thing, based on your own definition of success, we can still find clues from those we view as successful.  


I have been fortunate enough to have some great Mentors and Coaches in my life. 


In today’s episode, I share with you the top 5 things that I have learned that have helped me including: time management, reading, tough workouts, association and mindset. 


Sep 20, 2022

Two weeks ago, I was interviewed on the Michael Becker show and the main topic was leadership.  


It seems to be a common thing that people are interested in, so I thought I’d make a podcast for you, about my views on leadership.  


Remember, it starts and ends with you as a leader.  


Standing up in the face of fear is easy when you have values that you live by.  


And making decisions is much easier when you have rock solid, foundational values.  


Take a listen and let me know what you think!


Sep 13, 2022

I have been blessed with the ability to help people achieve what they didn’t think they could achieve.  


And they were right, they couldn't achieve it YET, on their own.  They just had to be shown the path.


A big part of how I have been able to do this is through physical fitness.  It’s a doorway into the psyche of a person.  


In today’s episode, I cover my KISS training principles, including:

-Train the hip and grip and all will be good

-Train your upper back, a lot

-Train at or near your anaerobic threshold 

-Challenge yourself

-The 5 basic movements


Keep it stupid simple (I know, this is my own twist on the KISS acronym).  


Enjoy and let me know your questions! 

Sep 6, 2022

In today's episode, I discuss how my Panda Fasting helps in these areas:

-Weight loss


-Reduced inflammation




-Brain Health

and...gaining more time.  

I hope you learn something and put it to use.  Enjoy! 

Aug 30, 2022

2 days ago, the first ever Muscle Camp at Newell Strength began.  


It’s a 6 week program, designed to put on 3-6 pounds of muscle.  


That may not sound like a lot, but I assure you, it is.  


If you missed out on this round, don’t worry, we will do it again at some point and the 12 specific workouts will be put into a manual that you can purchase.  

Aug 23, 2022

I had quite a few ‘ceremonies’ to initiate myself into my 5th decade of life.  

It began with a nice trip into my mind and spirit overnight.

Then, I put my body to the test on 4 hours of sleep, fasted for 72 hours, blood donated the night before and the list goes on.  

It was an initiation, a breaking down of barriers, killing of my 40 year old self if you will.

Consider creating some ceremonies for your next birthday and an initiation process into that year of your life. 

I hope you enjoy the episode!

Aug 16, 2022

10 days or so ago, we took the time on a Sunday, later afternoon, to come up with our Family Core Values.  


It wasn’t something we necessarily wanted to do, but we really needed to do them.  


Sure, it would have been nice to procrastinate, but then we would still have the same emotions rising up.  


In today’s episode, I share with you our Core Values, but more importantly I explain the importance of having Core Values and knowing your own personal definitions in life.  

Aug 9, 2022

The BIG Four-1


41 years ago today, I was born.  


August 10th, at 10:10 AM.  


And I have to tell you, that this is by far the best I have ever felt in my life.  


I am not just saying that.  


The funny thing is, I have multiple people every week asking me what I have been doing differently.  


I tell them, not much, besides finally ‘getting it’.  Something clicked and now I have been propelled to another level of health and fitness.  


How my body looks is just a side effect. 

Remember, it all starts by making a decision.  

Jul 26, 2022

3 years ago, Emma was born.  


Yes, our little warrior princess is growing up fast!


3 years and 10 months ago, I figured out a loophole in  supplementing with testosterone.  


You see, I have always been a practitioner of direct knowledge, mainly through self-experimentation.  


And one of the areas of expertise that I have developed this in is in testosterone replacement therapy.  

Jul 19, 2022

As I’ve gotten back into the training aspect at Newell Strength, I have really been enjoying listening to and thinking about the philosophy of some of the bodybuilding greats.  


Men that have inspired me and that have played a huge role in my development.  


Socrates has a quote that resonated with what I have been thinking alot about lately, ‘No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training.  It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.’  


You shape your mind through your body.  


Your body is the temple, treat it as such and watch how your philosophy of life changes.  

Here are some great clips with some of the characters I mentioned in the episode:

Mike Mentzer-

Lee Haney-

Dorian Yates-



Jul 12, 2022

Way back in 1997, when I first began to take my strength training seriously, I knew that nutrition was going to be the other wheel of my ‘fitness bike’.  


I wanted to get big.


I wanted to put on muscle.  


And I knew that I needed to support that with nutrients and extra building blocks.  


I would drink these banana chalk shakes, in which I had to plug my nose.  


There were quite a few times in which I actually force fed myself to the point of vomiting.


While experimenting with the Cylce Diet, I put on legendary eating shows, consuming upwards of 20,000 calories in a day, many, many times.  


I’ve seen and done it all with nutrition.  


Which has all led me to the Panda Diet.  


Take a listen and enjoy as I share some of the stories that formed the basis for my philosophy on nutrition. 

Jul 5, 2022

On the way home from Italy, I was able to read an entire book, ‘Yes to Life’, which had a few golden nuggets in it.  


In today’s episode, I talk about:



-fulfillment in life

-the purpose of life (it’s not set in stone)


And much more.  


Don’t say no to life when it gets tough, accept it as part of your journey.  


Enjoy the episode!

Jun 28, 2022

Way back in the years of 1995-1998, I was developing the foundation for the Newell Strength training principles.  

As time has gone on, some of the stuff has become a little more popular with the masses, but much is still unique.  

Some of the principles in today's episode include:

-Training at or near an anaerobic and anabolic threshold

-Movement first, then strength

-A game of angles

-The mind muscle connection

-Grip and mental toughness training

And more.  Take a listen and share with a friend! 

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