
Unlocking Your Inner Strength

Unlocking Your Inner Strength is about finding your inner and outer strengths. Learn how you can step into your greatness. This show blends Mind Mapping, philosophy and a lifetime of being a strength coach and bodybuilder.
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Unlocking Your Inner Strength











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Now displaying: 2023
Dec 27, 2023

I remember back to when I was competing and trying to balance a life alongside that.  


I would bring tupperware everywhere with me and if wasn’t a cheat day, I WAS NOT fun to go out with.  


I missed far too many moments trying to ‘stick with my diet’.  


It was silly.  


I learned a lot, but I now try to FREE people from that type of mindset and that prison of dieting.  


In today’s episode, I go over Mind Mapping, how to navigate the holidays with fasting and some of the deeper benefits of fasting as well as hormones involved. 


It’s an awesome episode!  


P.S. - If you interested in joining my upcoming 5 day FREE Panda Base Camp Challenge, go here:

P.P.S. - If you're interested in finding out how my students get the best results in the industry, go here:


Dec 19, 2023

It’s hard to believe that it was already a week ago that I was down in Houston preparing for a presentation to AAM, a large financial institution.  


Believe it or not, I had speaking on a large scale stage like that on my vision for 2023.  


Dreams do become a reality, when you take the time to invest your energy into them.  


So, what did I learn from my talk?  


A lot!  And I am not really talking about the content of which I spoke, although I learn that stuff deeper each time I teach too.


I am talking about my trip, my mental preparation, what I did or didn’t do to get into the proper mindset.  


P.S. - If you are interested in the upcoming January Panda Challenge you can go here:


P.P.S. - If you leave an awesome review, shoot me a screen shot on my cell and I will send you out a free gift in the mail!  908-229-6666


Dec 13, 2023

What I Believe About Marketing


I began studying training back in 1997.  


I opened my business officially in 2007.  


In 2007, I began studying marketing.  


To the point that I have probably invested more time, energy and money learning marketing than I have training or nutrition.  


It’s a passion of mine, because of how much psychology is involved.  


Seriously, I read a good sales letter like most guys look at porn or IG models.  I get jacked about reading good sales copy.  


You may be thinking, ‘What is sales copy?’  or you may be thinking, ‘YES, another marketing nerd!’.  


Either way, I think you’ll like this episode and get some cool stuff out of it.  


A lot of people have been coming to me more and more for things like marketing, so I figured I will start sprinkling this type of stuff in.  


Don't forget to follow me on IG @thepandamanofficial and on YOUTUBE @thepandamanofficial


You rock! 

Dec 5, 2023

25 plus years ago, I fell in love with strength training.  


Even at that point, I was on a never ending quest to learn the true ‘Secrets’ of strength.  


And if I’ve learned one thing, it’s that there are no secrets.  


There’s a better way to do things, an optimal way, especially if your goal is to have your strength and fitness carry over to everyday life, and why wouldn’t that be your goal?  Unless you were a professional bodybuilder.  


In today’s podcast, I give you the lowdown on insider training wisdom that I’ve accumulated over the past 25 years.  


Take what is useful and discard the rest.  


Be Unconventional - Panda Man


P.S. - For more information and some awesome FREE stuff, you can check out my website at 


Nov 28, 2023

A couple of weeks ago, I spent a half day with my long-time Coach, Vince.  Vince has been Coaching me for over a decade.  


It’s rare to have a Coaching relationship that lasts that long, but he always gives me insight and stuff to reflect upon.  


Anyhow, one of the things that we were going over was how to best utilize my days.  I have 4 businesses in addition to the most important duty of being Father and Husband.  


People often ask me how I manage, so in this episode I go over the recent tweaks to make sure I am being as efficient as possible.  I am sure you will pick something up here to put to use.  


In addition, it’s been a while since I did a ‘Silliness Report’, so there’s some of that in here too, including the new UN Lockdowns, Bill Gates buying up ‘all’ the farmland and the SpaceX rocket failing for the 2nd time.  


P.S. - If you are interested in making 2024 the best year of your LIFE, then start NOW.  All the lights will never be green.  IF you’d like a free session or two to see how you fit at Newell Strength, simply reply to this email.  


P.P.S. - I am sneaking in one more small, as in number of students, Panda Challenge before 2024.  Actually, it will run into the first few weeks, but why wait until 24 to make the BIG change?  Anyhow, I have 3 spots remaining as of this message (can’t guarantee there will be any left by the time you read this).  You can text me if you’re interested, 908-229-6666


Nov 21, 2023

About a year ago, I set the goal to run my first marathon.  


The jury is out if it’s a one and done.  I know better than to make that decision while in a state of euphoria and fatigue.  For now, I am just being.  


In today’s episode of ULYIS, I go over the lessons learned and the stories made from training for my first marathon to competing in my first marathon.  


I am sure you will find something useful in here.  


And, if you leave a review (help a brother out:)), and let me know, I will send you a gift in the mail.  


P.S. - If you want to learn, in depth, what I teach with the fasting and feasting portion of my Panda Method, then you are assuredly going to want to get a copy of my best selling book, the Panda Diet, while you still can.  You can do so here (thanks in advance!):


P.P.S. - We are hosting our 12 annual Thanksgiving morning charity workout on Thanksgiving morning at 7 AM.  It is at our Hillsborough location and all are welcome.  You can bring all the guests you’d like.  It’s a great time and you will be done by 8.  It’s turned into one of my favorite traditions over the years!  Simply reply to this email or register on our FB event.  Minimum 10 dollar donation which will be going to a hand selected person or family in our local community. 


Nov 14, 2023

I remember watching the movie, Cop Land, back in the day.  I took an interest because I am a big Stallone fan and it was really the first time I had heard of an actor intentionally packing on fat for a role. 


With that in mind, I thought it would be fun to let you in on how I would get yourself or myself ready for a role of being a fat guy and also getting in tip top shape, under a deadline.  


There’s many lessons in this episode, so take notes and apply what is relevant and useful.  


By the way, I am trying to get my reviews on ITunes higher, so if you leave an awesome review, let me know and I will send you out a gift or two, via the good old USPS.  


🐼If you’re interested in getting one of my custom, 30 day training programs, for FREE, simply go here and it will be sent straight to your inbox!  Guaranteed there’s some new stuff in there that will blow your mind!!!  🤯



Get it here➡️


Nov 7, 2023

While on my 13 mile run last week, I stopped for a few walking breaks and on those breaks I decided to record what was on my mind.  


I always find it cool and interesting to record while my mind is in an altered state, such as right after or during an intense workout or while driving and my mind is occupied.  


In this episode, I speak about specific adaptations to imposed demands, when it comes to training, Shoegate and the Ron DeSantis controversy over his actual height and more in the world of conspiracy.  


Lastly, I speak about the truth as I know it, developed through Direct Knowledge, not some shiny new textbook.  I think this is super important, more and more as people have lost the ability to think critically, especially when it comes to logic and fitness. 


And, if you leave a solid review, text it over to me and I will either ship you out a free copy of my book or a blue Panda hat, whichever you like (908-229-6666).  


P.S. - To get a FREE custom workout that I created, go to the link here and simply enter email address.  It's killer...


Oct 31, 2023

We first ran Ripped Dads back in 2014.  I remember being so pumped to get so many dads out for the program.  


It proved to be a LIFE changer from the outset.  


And since that time, my perspective has grown a lot, being a father myself.  


In today’s episode, I lay out the new curriculum that I’ve put together for the Ripped Dads weekly lesson.  


These areas are essential in my opinion if you want to become a better man, a fantastic father, a Ripped Dad.  

P.S. - Men, to get a free download of my private TRT seminar, go here:


P.P.S. - If you leave a solid review on my show, shoot me a message and if it's the best of the week, I will send you out some Panda Man swag for FREE.  Shoot me a text, 908-229-6666


Oct 24, 2023

As I was sitting in the sauna last week, a few thoughts popped into my head.  


The thoughts led to a brief conversation in my head.  


Which led to me sitting down and recording a podcast for you.  All within the span of 30 minutes.  That is just an example of thinking differently that you can access at anytime.  


In this particular episode, I give a few examples from my own life of thinking differently including opening up despite COVID lockdowns, publicly, to national news; taking a walk-on student athlete and making him proficient in a week, how would one go about doing that?  And more, including why trying to raise your testosterone levels naturally is a fool's game.  


PLUS….I am doing something new to get more reviews on my ITunes. Whoever leaves the best review this week will win a FREE Blue Panda Hat, that I will ship out directly to you!  DM me once you’ve left the review.  


Oct 18, 2023

Last week, I sat down for my second interview and podcast with famous TV personality and superwoman, Barb Majeski.  


The first time we did it over Zoom, which was cool.  I felt elevated and I knew that I could learn a lot from Barb.  


This time, being in her presence, she is a beast!  


Her mindset about achievement and success is world class.  She doesn’t have everything she wants ‘YET’.  Key word here.  


We talk about the mindset of flying first class and also flying on your own private jet.  Which if you think is materialistic, you are missing the point, it's a MINDSET!


Barb talks about not having ocean front property, YET (she does own a beautiful home down the shore already), but she asks the people that have the beachfront homes how they got there.  


You can follow Barb on social media at barbaramajeski and keep an eye out for her new book coming out.  She also has a phenomenal challenge that begins Nov. 1 that I will personally be doing.  You can find more info out at


Oct 10, 2023

In today’s episode of the ULYIS podcast, I have some questions for you men out there.  

How often are you telling your son or daughter that you love them and that you are proud of them?

Do you carve out specific time for them?

Did you father ever tell you that he loved you and was proud of you?

What does it mean to be a man and father?

This is stuff that has been on my mind and I believe it will help all you men out there.  

And of course, I mix in a little conspiracy theory.  


Oct 3, 2023

Two weeks ago, we took a road trip up to Connecticut to give our first seminar on a national circuit.  


Who’s we?  Me, my great friend BK from Chicago and the Turkish Ok, one of the masterminds behind the up and coming media company, Has Media.  


Well, you can’t let a good opportunity go to waste and I believe in leveraging my time, so we decided to record an episode of ULYIS on the drive up there.  


We chat about many things in this off the cuff, behind the scenes conversation, including how this whole speaking tour came to be, why shame can be useful in a transformation, but you shouldn’t be the one making a person feel that shame and so much more.  


By the way, if you're interested in learning about why diets suck and they never work, then check out my upcoming Panda Diet Challenge, there's nothing else like it.


Sep 26, 2023

I cannot tell you how many times in the past few years, while having casual conversations, people have said to me, ‘This can’t be real’.  


What were they referring to?


Worldly events.  


Stuff that people are usually oblivious to, but that my endlessly curious mind cannot help but research and explore.  


Reality is indeed often stranger than fiction.  


In today’s episode, I talk about corrupt politicians and what that means for you, real life Terminator robots, Elon Musk's satellite trains, testosterone and much more!  Never know where it’s going to go once I get on a rant!


Sep 19, 2023

As you read this, I am on the way up to Connecticut or shortly will be to give the first seminar in a series on a speaking tour my great friend Brandon and I will be doing this year.  


And no doubt, I am listening to a replay of a recent podcast I did with two of the world’s greatest fighters, Mickey Gall of the UFC and future UFC champ, LJ Reboli.  


We went over the mindset of a gladiator, training, success and they even hit me with some well thought out questions.  Pretty cool when pro athletes love strength and conditioning on top of their sports skills practice, which leads to some interesting conversations.  


If you’ve ever wondered what people that are the best in the world think like, then definitely check out this episode.  It’s off the charts, maybe the best episode yet! 


Sep 13, 2023

A couple of weeks ago, one of my great friends, Brandon Kelly, was in town for a few days to hang with us.  


We took full advantage of our time together which meant a brutally hard Monday morning workout with a bunch of the guys, followed by a podcast with the two of us and another friend, Jake, from Louisiana who was in town for a Navy SEAL event.  


We chatted it up about LIFE, success, focus, drugs and so much more.  


If you take a listen you will hear my explanation of how using the analogy of a flashlight will allow you to shift your attention at any moment.  


This is key, because where your attention goes, energy flows and results will follow.  


Sep 5, 2023

A couple of weeks ago, we traveled up to Connecticut for a workout and podcast with Steve Oroscoe.  


Steve and I connected by chance.  Someone tagged me and the Liver King in one of his posts, which was about fasting, so I decided to say hi and shoot him a message.  


One thing led to another and we set a date to catch a workout and shoot some film and record a killer podcast.  


Nothing happens unless you make it happen, remember that.  


Anyhow, in this episode, Steve and I talk about: 

-Why fasting is the WAY…

-A very simple way to being fasting

-The harsh, often ignored, reality about success.  But when implemented, you can do ANYTHING….

-How to leap frog from one dream to the next, knowing that success is a continuous process


And much, much more.  


Little did I know until after the episode that Steve ran for Senate up there and potentially is eyeballing the 2026 Governors seat.  Yes, with his mindset, I have no doubt that he has a great shot at winning, which won’t surprise you after you listen to this episode.  


Aug 29, 2023

Back in 1998, I read a book that I got by mail order from a magazine, that shaped my foundation for my training philosophy.  


At the time, I was still in high school, just entering my senior year.  


And I had a vision of becoming the strongest bodybuilder I could become.  


I left no stone unturned.  


Anyone can slap together some exercises.  That doesn’t necessarily constitute a solid training program.  


What I always want to know is: what’s the creator's philosophy behind it?  


Take a listen to see what my exact philosophy of training is, it’ll give you a better understanding of training than 99% of ‘fitness experts’. 


Listen, people pay me good money to write programs, take advantage of this opportunity to learn about my training methods. 


Listen to it until you truly understand it.  


Aug 22, 2023

Back in 2014, I was lucky enough to go to a Dax Moy seminar on Mind Mapping, which ultimately transformed my life.  


Have you ever had a philosophy, theory or idea but couldn’t quite formulate it into something coherent, even though you knew it to be true?  Well, that’s what Dax did for me when it came to Mind Map.


In this episode, we go deep on the real purpose of goal setting and I believe once you listen to this, you will never look at goal setting the same  way again and you will forever have more self-awareness which will help when you get off track, which will happen.  


We talk about:

-The 3 I’s of impact, influence and income

-The dopamine treadmill and why it will burn you out and leave you feeling hopeless

-Why the answer to overwhelm is never MORE

-What the real purpose of any goal is

-How to use the 3 ‘Beauty’s’ to set up magical days

-Why structuring your LIFE around what is most important NOW is an absolute MUST


And so much more.  


So buckle up and prepare to have your mind blown!  I know mine was. 


Dax is one of the top Coaches in the world, his clients include British royalty and celebrities to name a few.  You can find out more by going to or by following him at Dax Moy (his writings are brilliant, a must!).  


And if you’re not already, You can follow me on IG @thepandamanofficial and on YouTube @thepandamanofficial


Aug 15, 2023

A week ago, I was on day 3 of a 4 day fast to bring in my new year.  


The past few years, I have made it a ritual to fast until my birthday, do a brutally hard training session on my birthday and go deep into my mind the night prior with the help of Magic Mushrooms.  


Why in the world would someone do this?


I thought you were supposed to take it easy on your birthday?


In today’s episode, I explain my thought process behind why I do this, I explain my insights and key takeaways from the MM trip and share with you how I hurt my calf significantly and what I did about it both mentally and physically to recover in superhero time.  


Aug 8, 2023

People ask me about mindset far more than anything else.  


And truth be told, mindset is my forte.  


In fact, the main reason I utilize my fasting protocols is for the mind and spirit.  


In this episode, I cover 3 keys that anyone can do to transform their mindset.


By the way, negative thoughts are completely normal and common, but it doesn’t mean we have to settle for them.  


Take a listen and apply what I share here.  But, be warned, there is work involved!


Aug 1, 2023

A month or so ago I decided to start talking once in a while about worldly events, topics that I am well versed in and study daily.  


I am endlessly curious about all this stuff.  


Now, if you are only listening to the MSM, this stuff will all be new to you and might even highly offend you.  


If you are easily offended, then you best not listen, or you can and you can vehemently disagree with me.  But I’ll still be your friend:)


In this episode, I talk about: UFOs, Bronny James’ heart attack, the Stanford President and the Jason Aldean song.  


Absorb what is useful and discard the rest.  


Jul 18, 2023

Steve Parente, long time friend and client, is about to open his 16th Physical Therapy location.  


That’s incredible, I don’t care who you are!


I can’t even imagine opening 16 gyms.  


And this has been done in an environment in which the big boy corporations have pretty much wiped out all the smaller mom and pop shops.  


When I first met Steve, he was in need of an energy boost.  At first, he rejected the Panda method, thinking it was a bit crazy.


Now, he has a group of friends that he supports doing the Panda!  He has taken his discipline to a whole other level.


Success leaves clues.  


And if you are after success, then you are going to want to take a listen to what he has to say.  


Jul 18, 2023

Steve Parente, long time friend and client, is about to open his 16th Physical Therapy location.  


That’s incredible, I don’t care who you are!


I can’t even imagine opening 16 gyms.  


And this has been done in an environment in which the big boy corporations have pretty much wiped out all the smaller mom and pop shops.  


When I first met Steve, he was in need of an energy boost.  At first, he rejected the Panda method, thinking it was a bit crazy.


Now, he has a group of friends that he supports doing the Panda!  He has taken his discipline to a whole other level.


Success leaves clues.  


And if you are after success, then you are going to want to take a listen to what he has to say.  


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