Guys, I’ve seen the light. I’ve been so blind this whole time. Thanks to our good ole’ buddy, Tool Boy, for setting me straight with all of his melodramatic feels! I just had to share with you all, if you’re doing one-rep max lifts in the gym, STOP IMMEDIATELY! He woke me to the fact that it’s totes dangerous, yo.
Screw the whole, science, facts, and actual deep-level understanding of how your body’s physiology really works, thing. One-rep maxes are going to strain your muscles so hard they’ll pop right off your bones and maybe poke your spotter’s eye out.
If you haven’t caught on yet (but I know you have -- you’re smart enough to listen to this show so you’re quick like that) I’m being more than a little sarcastic.
Today’s show is all about (1) who the hell not to listen to; and, (2) understanding the truth of why people REALLY get hurt in the gym (Hint: It aint due to one-rep max lifts). Knowing this will keep your reps rockin’ and pecks from poppin’.
*Side note* Most millennials are way too soft. My WWII veteran grandpa could still kick any millennial’s ass. Just sayin’ … (03:24)
Well, my friend, there’s a lot of nutritious thought-meat in this episode. I hope you enjoy it and take something away from it that you can use to grow stronger (mentally, physically and emotionally -- especially emotionally, so you’re not the the next Tool Boy waxing dramatic rhetoric on Facebook Live to feed your low self-worth).
Next week is the show’s one-year anniversary. I’ve got some great stuff lined up for you, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise. You’ll just have to tune in to see what’s up.
I want to thank you for being a loyal listener. You’re stronger than you know (but you don’t have to prove it by going all out with a one-rep max).