
Unlocking Your Inner Strength

Unlocking Your Inner Strength is about finding your inner and outer strengths. Learn how you can step into your greatness. This show blends Mind Mapping, philosophy and a lifetime of being a strength coach and bodybuilder.
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Unlocking Your Inner Strength











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Dec 31, 2024

I had a thought this morning, while reflecting back on playing some Sunday morning basketball yesterday.  


More often than not, the team I am on, wins.  We don't win every single time, but a large percentage of the time.  


I love playing basketball and I realized long ago that a great player should be able to dominate the game without ever taking a shot.  How could that be?


Well, we have the gritty stuff like rebounding, assists, playing defense and hustle plays.  


And there is a lesson in each category, for how it correlates to life and how you can use it even when the 'shots' aren't falling.  


One of the reasons that fasting is so powerful is because it is the best defense in the world, where we ask you to do less and get more results.  What other thing in life functions like that?  


Tune in to find out how we can use lessons from basketball to start winning more in life.  


Also, if you want to make 2025 the year that you get into the best shape of your life, then check out what I have cooking up in the upcoming Panda Challenge.  You can go here to find out more:


Be Unconventional,

Kyle aka Panda Man

Dec 24, 2024

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.  Today, I held a goal setting workshop for my clients.  

I went through the session with them and let me tell you, it was work! 

My brain was fried afterwards!

In this episode, I share with you the process I took them through.  

There's a reason people don't plan and set goals, it will put pressure on them to achieve more.  If you just want to be average, then do average things,  and act like everyone else.  

However, if you want to be the best you that you can possibly be, then you are going to want to take a listen.  

I have spent years and a lot of money in learning these strategies, so take advantage and let me know what you think!

P.S. - If you are interested in the upcoming Panda Challenge, you can go here to find out how you can make more progress in 6 weeks than you have in the prior 6 years of 'dieting'.  And feel free to reach out with any questions!



Dec 17, 2024

In today's episode, I chat with the Alabama Gunslinger about the drone invasion and then some!  


We are being put through yet another psyschological operation, don't fall for it.  


This is how they ran the Covid scam too.  


Are they aliens?  Are they are own government?  Did nukes go missing?  We go over all that and more..


Anyhow, with all this craziness, I am having a 'Fasting for the Apocalypse' edition of the Panda Challenge.  If you are interested in finding out more, go here: Fasting for the Apocalypse

Dec 10, 2024

I switched up my scheduled episode today because of requests coming in to do a show on the drones here in NJ.  


If you haven't seen anything about this, we have been having mysterious drones, some the size of cars, flying all over the great state of NJ since November 20th.  


The way I see it, there's 2-3 possibilities as to what or who is behind these.  I will tell you though, whatever it is, it's nefarious.  I don't like it one bit.  

If you want to hear my take on it, you will have to give this one a listen.  But be warned, this might lead you far down the rabbit hole with the bread crumbs I leave here and there in my take on it.  

Let me know what you think!

Kyle, aka Panda Man

Dec 3, 2024

Have you struggled in your past with fat loss?  

If you're like me, then you've gone through this multiple times, each time, thinking that it would be different the next go around.  

Silly if you think about it.  Nothing magically changed within our body just because we wanted it to.  

I am giving a live seminar this week here in Hunterdon County, NJ and one of the main points I am going to drive home is to recognize the mistakes you've made in your fat loss efforts so you stop making them and actually start doing what works.  

I have always said that any diet must be functional and sustainable for long term compliance.  

I can assure you that if you have made any of these following mistakes, it is neither functional nor sustainable, and this is just for starters:

♻️ You count your calories...don't worry, I made this same stupid mistake for over a decade!

♻️ You do endless 'junk cardio' trying to burn fat off your body...sorry, it doesn't quite work that way

♻️ You ignore the critical signals your digestion is telling you which will tell you if you are on the right track or not

♻️ You aren't paying attention to something known as N.E.A.T, which is a clear indicator if what you are doing will burn fat and be sustainable

♻️ You aren't strength training...this isn't 100% essential, but I'd say 95% if you want to reach the upper limits of fat burning and weight loss

Take a listen and let me know what you think.  

And if you want to know how to correct all this and get on the world's most sustainable fat loss program, then check out what I am cooking up for you in next week's Super Secret Webinar on my Panda Diet:

Be Unconvnetional, 

Kyle aka Panda Man

Nov 26, 2024

5 Secrets from My Upcoming Panda Diet Master Class


Someone asked me earlier where they can located research as to what I teach and how it work.  Short answer is my book, the Panda Diet. 


But if you are the type that wants peer reviewed, industry research, then you aren't going to find it in my work.  Not because I make up stuff, but because they haven't studied what I teach.  It simply doesn't exist because it doesn't fit inside their little box or propoganda. 

What I do works, plain and simple, way better than any little diet that the FFEs teach (fake fitness experts). 

I've got an upcoming Super Webinar all about the Panda Diet...

And it’s jam packed with secrets I’ve compiled and discovered over the past 27 years in the deep weeds and trenches.  


Anyhow, in this short episode, I share 5 of my secrets with some context.  


And, if you are interested in grabbing one of the remaining seats, you can do so here: Panda Diet Master Class


Be Unconventional, 

Kyle, aka Panda Man

P.S. - I will be turning this into a product 2 months after the class and it will be retailing for $497 at that point. Don't say I didn't tell you so.  Or you can hop in and have access to the recording forever for just $49 NOW. 


Nov 19, 2024

Yesterday, I ran in the Princeton Half Marathon. 


Admittedly, I probably should have trained more for it. 


I hit a wall around mile 10 and yes, I know my build isn’t ideal for distance running. 


At my first ‘dark valley’, I spotted Devon with the kids and my mom! I wasn’t expecting her to be there. 


It gave me a boost to get through the next 2 miles, at which point, the wheels came off a little bit.  Ha!  My legs were giving out, cramping pretty severely. 


I called Devon as I sat in the middle of the road, trying to get my right leg to unlock.  I heard her say to my mom, ‘I knew it!  He’s cramping!  Boys, go help dad…’


Could it be that they were right around the corner? 


Indeed they were. 


My mom, Brad and Colty, appeared and they ran the last half mile with me, willing me on and cheering me on. 


The boys kept saying, ‘Dad, don’t stop.’


It was a beautiful moment and one that I will never forget. 


As we crossed the finish line, the boys walked with me to get our medal.  🏅


I then embraced my mom and unexpectedly, she embraced me for about 2 minutes while tears of happiness ran down my face.  ❤️


I couldn’t have scripted it any better. 


Remember, it’s always darkest just before dawn…


Be Unconventional,


Kyle aka Panda Man🐼


P.S. - If you already to break through the glass ceiling you have, schedule a call with me to find out about my Black Friday special for any of my programs!  I got you! 📲

Nov 12, 2024

Many, many years ago, I discovered a man named Elliott Hulse.  Elliott is somewhat of a legend and he even Coached me for a while back in 2010.  


As destiny would have it, he came onto my podcast last week and boy, let me tell you, this is going to blow your mind.  


Elliott has lived quite the life and has been a pioneer in the field of self-development for quite some time.  


He has over 2 million followers on social media and this conversation is one that I could charge a lot of money that people would happily pay.  

You can follow Elliott on YouTube and see all that he's got going on at elliotthulse1. 

Be Unconventional, 

Kyle, aka Panda Man

P.S. - If you like to learn the best, permanent way to lose 7 pounds over the next 20 days, then head over here for a FREE PDF I've got for you:

P.P.S. - I've got a killer Black Friday deal going on where you can get 33% off my Coaching programs!  This goes away after November 29th.  If you interested, shoot me a text at 908-229-6666. If you are looking to make 2025 the best year of your life, then look no more! 

Nov 5, 2024

The time has come.  Election day 2024 is upon us.  

If you are expecting a result tomorrow, you are going to be disappointed.  

I believe this is a kick start for the chaos I have been predicting for a number of years now.  

Realize that this is a not a left v right fight, that's what the powers that be want you to buy into.  

Listen in for my predictions about what will happen in the short term and what will happen over the next 6 months.  

I may be wrong, but I don't think so.  

At least my thoughts will make you think.  

Be Unconventional,

Kyle aka Panda Man

P.S. - If you want to find out how my 'diet' can help you lose weight, fast, and keep it off, go download this FREE PDF I put together for you right here:



Oct 29, 2024

I remember as a kid when Freddy Kreuger captured my mind.  


I was terrified yet fascinated.  


As time went on, my brothers and our neighborhood gang would fantisize about who would win a battle, Freddy or Jason (from Friday the 13th).  


A couple of decades later, they came out with the movie.  


In today's episode, I give you my top horror movies, top horror characters and some Mind Mapping of how and why Halloween became a staple in my house.  


*If you are looking to change your body over the next 20 days and keep those changes permanently, go download the FREE PDF I put together for you right here:




Oct 22, 2024

Time travel. 


This has a few meanings when it comes to this episode.  One, I am writing this before I have my conversation with the infamous Alabama gunslinger, Lane Bullger.  


And it’s damn near impossible to predict what we will talk about in terms of conspiracies, worldy events and the health industry.  


But I can tell you that I am putting on my list the concept of time travel, most notably something from a book that was written over 100 years ago that has mirrored damn near exactly what is going on now, down to the specific names of people.  


In addition, I will reference many things from the long standing cartoon, the Simpsons, that were foreshadowed long before they actually happened, including the helicopter death of one of my favorite people, Kobe Bryant.  


I will also go into one more BIG conspiracy that I don’t talk about often, because it tends to melt minds that aren’t ready to hear it.  


In addition, we get on a role talking about fatherhood and the patterns we repeat and the legacy we will leave behind as fathers.  


PS - If you want to get a FREE copy of 'How to Lose 7 Pounds in 20 days', you can get it here:



Oct 15, 2024

How often have you thought about creating a better life?

Yet, nothing seems to change...

It's common at some point in life for everyone.  

Some overcome that limiting conviction that life is not in their control and go onto great success.  

Others stay stuck, thinking that repeating Ground Hog day will some result in a different outcome. 

I assure you that it won't!

Tune into today's episode to hear some fresh insights on mindset and why trying to live a balanced life is a recipe for mediocrity, which is the worst thing in the world in my opinion.  

P.S. If you live locally or want to travel, I am having a Mindset Seminar at our Hillsborough gym on Wednesday, October 23rd from 7-8 PM.  There are only 30 spots left and I am going to be dropping highly valuable pieces of mindset wisdom with stuff you can do right away.  You can register for it here:


P.P.S. - If you are not already on my email list and you also want to drop 7 pounds over the next 20 days and keep it off, then download this free PDF I made for you:


Be Unconventional, 

Kyle aka Panda Man

Oct 8, 2024

In today's episode, I answer the following questions from fans and then some, all under 14 minutes.  I believe in saying what needs to be said and no more...

-How do I structure my day?

-What books have been most impactful to me?

-How often do I check DMs?

-How do you take medications during a dry fast? (my answer may suprise you)

-How often do I take baking soda?

-Have I ever hunted in the wild?

-When should you drink the juice?

-What's my opinion on the combination of GLP1s and fasting?

-Do I eat rice?

-Can diabetics fast?

Tune in to find out the concise answers to these questions with nuance built in, just for you:)

And if you aren't on my email list, what are you waiting for?  Go over here to download a FREE PDF that'll help you drop 7 pounds in 20 days and keep it off and get on my list!



Oct 1, 2024

In today's episode, I chat with my buddy Coach Lane Bulger from Alabama.  Lane is a great man and has a very great way of looking at the world.  

When we team up, you are getting a sneak peak as to what a conversation is like between two students that have strong mindsets.  

You can be the fly on the wall with this conversation and I hope you are able to take one thing away from it.  

The main thing is, be prepared, run scenarious through your head, so when or if they do happen, you already have a predetermined response.  

Remember, we want to stay out of the reaction mode and stay in the response mode.  

Be Unconventional, 

Kyle, aka Panda Man

P.S. - If you are looking to drop weight and keep it off, before October is over, go get my free resource that I put together for you over here:


Sep 24, 2024


I’m a maverick of sorts…


So I’ve been told. 


It’s that mentality though that has put me on my quest for endlessly figuring out what works when it comes to weight loss, health and becoming the best version of yourself.  


In today’s episode, I talk about:


-Why your thyroid isn’t the issue

-Why counting calories is a fools game


-Why using cardio for fat loss is nonsensical


And then a whole bunch more.  


You are a great person, your weight loss has nothing to do with your self-esteem.  


If you've been struggling are at your wits end, then go download my free PDF that can guide you through how to start and how to get lasting results!  You can get it here:


Text me if you need more in depth help, 908-229-6666


Be Unconventional, 

Kyle, aka Panda Man


Sep 17, 2024

Chaos is upon us.  


We are less than two months away to the election.  


Here is what I think are some possibilities.  


Take it for what it's worth.  


This is a battle of good versus evil.  




If you want to learn how to think differently and get on a new path, shoot me a text, 908-229-6666.  I leave one 15 minute slot open on my schedule each week.  

Sep 10, 2024

‘Kyle, Neil died…’


I was 7 years old, had just moved to NJ and my mom told me that a friend from our old neighborhood died of an aneurysm.  


I was in shock.  


Literally, I ran from my bedroom to the back patio in uncontrollable tears.  


Death was now a real thing to my young fragile mind.  


And although I can bring myself right back to that time and the next 4 years where I cried daily over the thought of death, it was one of the greatest things that could have happened to me.  


It allowed me to make FEAR an illusion.  


I wasn’t controlled by the government during COVID because I didn’t have fear of what they were instilling in the minds of the masses ... .fear this because it can kill you.  


Fear will make you do some crazy things. 


In this week’s episode of Unlocking Your Inner Strength, I break down what fear is and my approach to fear and some other philosophical ideas it brings to my mind.  


Sep 3, 2024

This Might Break Your Brain


When’s the last time that you questioned some sacred dogma?


Have you ever thought about why you’ve been told what you’ve been told? 


Does your gut tell you that there’s got to be more to the story?


Part of my mission is freeing people’s minds, which usually begins with taking control of their health and starting on a fasting journey.  


Once you crossover, your mind starts to open up.  


With that in mind, in today’s podcast, I go deep into some of the suppression of knowledge that we have been under.  


Maybe I am wrong about much of this or ALL of it.  But it’s fun for me to think about.  


If you want to stay in your safe bubble and live by the thought of ignorance being bliss, DO NOT LISTEN!!!!


Be Unconventional,

Kyle, aka Panda Man

PS- If you can't stand what you see in the mirro and feel like you have no self-control because you don't even know where to begin, shoot me a text, 908-229-6666

Aug 27, 2024

A few weeks ago, I turned 43.  In honor of that, I wrote my latest August newsletter that got mailed out this week, on 43 insights that came to mind from my time here on earth.  


This was written with my children reading them and using them one day, so I didn’t hold back.  


Be Unconventional - Panda Man


* If you are interested in the Panda Punch for superior fat loss, to make your fast a little more enjoyable to go gain access to Super Human focus, then place your order for the limited first batch of the Panda Punch here:


It’s selling much faster than we anticipated so if you wait, you’ll have to wait! 


Aug 20, 2024

How to Recover from Any Injury


I’ve been fortunate enough to suffer two of the worst knee injuries on record.  


Yes, I said fortunate.  There’s always a silver lining.  


After dealing with them and other injuries throughout the years, I learned the principles of healing 100%.  


Methods are many, principles are few.  


Aug 13, 2024

I remember reading the first book on mindset that I ever read way back during my sophomore or junior year of high school.  


I had already had a certain type of mindset, but I wanted to cultivate it and to make better.  


Winners use a certain type of language and have a certain pattern of thinking.  


All patterns can be copied, all habits are just patterns.  


Patterns run your life.  


In today’s episode, I go over the ‘Tree of Your Mind’ and the Champion’s Mindset.  Be sure to take the 10-12 minutes to listen, it’ll give you a great ROI, I promise.  


You can listen to the episode here:

Be Unconventional - Panda Man


P.S. - Muscle Camp volume 2 is coming out next month.  If you would like to get the early bird special, $100 off, shoot me a text by 8/10/24 and I’ll make a note.  It will be released on August 26th and will have techniques for building solid, lean muscle, that you have never even knew existed.  If you are looking for a challenge and are ready to start filling out those sleeves a little more, shoot me a text.  908-229-6666

P.P.S. - If you are interested in checking out what I do with my Elite Mind Mapping clients, shoot me a text and you can hop on my next weekly call to check it out.  908-229-6666.  


PPPS - Want to learn how you can eat whatever you’d like and still drop weight?  We’ve cracked the code.  Time to stop struggling and beating yourself up.  Reply to this email for a FREE consultation and a FREE copy of my best selling book, the Panda Diet. *Offer good for the first 2 people to TEXT me the word YETI before the end of the week….908-229-6666


Aug 6, 2024

Recently, I was on a podcast with my buddy Lane Bullger from Alabama.  A couple of weeks ago, we did part 1 and there was so much more that we had to still cover that we did a part 2.  


Now, you might be thinking you aren’t interested, and that’s fine.  


But realize that there is a very real conspiracy against your health and you becoming the healthiest, fittest version of yourself.  


We also happen to cover Elon Musk, the fake alien invasion, the next moves in the political arena (it’s all theater), putting muscle on while fasting, 48 or 72’s, which is better for fat loss and so much more.  


Jul 30, 2024

Two weeks ago, a good buddy of mine was in for our Mastermind meeting.  


Joe Hashey is a rare breed, one of those men that have an indomitable mindset.  


There aren’t too many people that I look up to with mindset because I’ve studied it so much and put myself through the ringer to continue to grow my mind.  


Joe is an exception though.  He is doing 100 mile races, holds one of the world records for the famous Manitou Incline climb out in Colorado where he lives, held the world pull up record, briefly, after he did 4100 or so on his 40th birthday.  


We snuck away on lunch break to a back room to record this and it was something I have been wanting to get out to you for a while, because we can all learn from him, myself included.  


In this episode, we cover:


  • The mindset it takes to complete an ultra marathon

  • The ‘switch’ that made Joe start doing the impossible and it wasn’t all that long ago

  • How he runs his family and why we can all do better in this regard

  • His top two favorite books

  • The inner dialogue that is needed to become a world class endurance athlete


And so much more.  


You can follow Joe on Instagram at Jhashey1 and you can check out his podcast and book at


Jul 23, 2024

I got together for part 1 of a 2 part series with my buddy Lane Bulger of Bulger Fitness down in Alabama.  


Every time we talk we get into some lively topics.  


In this episode, we talk about the attempted assassination attempt on President Trump and my thoughts may surprise you.  Remember, whatever the MSM is telling you is not the truth, always start from that premise.  


After we had some fun with that, we talked about:

-Breathatarians and if it’s possible to just live on air alone

-TMS and how darn near all chronic ailments can be solved with this knowledge


And a lot more.  


You are going to need a notepad for this one.  


Be Unconventional - Panda Man


P.S. - If you want to check out my latest YouTube video, How to Lose Fat and Put on Muscle FAST, go here, and don’t forget to subscribe!


P.P.S. - If you are interested in checking out what I do with my Elite Mind Mapping clients, shoot me a text to give me a heads up  (908-229-6666).  My weekly Coaching calls are Monday nights at 8 PM EST.  Here is the link:

P.P.P.S. - If you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired mentally, physically and/or spiritually, shoot me a text.  We can chat about what I do for my clients and see if it’s a good fit for you.  908-229-6666.  


Jul 16, 2024

Last week, I put out a reel on my IG that got the Shake Oil Salesmen and Women coming at me in full force.  


Which is a good thing.  I know that whenever I hit a nerve, I am on to something.  


But it also got me to thinking about digestive health and fasting.  


In today’s episode, I break down WHY:


-Farting isn’t cool or normal (although sometimes funny, haha)

-Your crap shouldn’t stink to high heavens

-You shouldn’t use shakes or blend your fruit if you really want to get the most out of my Panda Diet

-Digestion is the key indicator to what’s really going on with your health


You can take a listen to the episode over here:


Be Unconventional - Kyle aka Panda Man


P.S. - If you want to check out my latest YouTube video, How to Lose Fat and Put on Muscle FAST, go here, and don’t forget to subscribe!


P.P.S. - If you are interested in checking out what I do with my Elite Mind Mapping clients, shoot me a text and you can hop on my next weekly call to check it out.  908-229-6666.  


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