In life, we are a direct result of observing our parents. Yet, it will either be in mimicking or completing their traits. Secondly, there is a belief cycle of life and once you realize that everything starts and ends with your beliefs, you have the ultimate power. Take a listen to see what I mean:)
A couple of weeks' ago we gave a sell-out seminar on heart health. We received great feedback so I decided to recap what my portion of the talk was about. In this episode I talk about what you need to cut back on in your nutrition to have optimal health, why you need salt and a lot more than you think and why sleep is king. Enjoy!
If it hadn't been for a mysterious stomach illness, I doubt I would I have ever become an avid reader. And if I haven't become an avid reader, who knows if Newell Strength would have ever come to be. The lesson is that all growth comes from a deficit. Enjoy!
You are always going to face resistance when you are trying to live a more impactful life. Many times, we make excuses that it is the external obstacles that are blocking us, but in reality, the biggest barrier to our success is usually our internal. Yet, if you sharpen your internal game, the 'external' can never defeat you. Enjoy!
In this episode, I cover:
✅your body responds to hormones
✅are you an addict?
✅the 3 joys of eating
✅concept of purposeful eating
✅the 2 very different roads of dieting vs. fasting
✅what to do when special occasions come up
✅only this one thing trumps fasting 🔥🔥
Enjoy! And you can pick up a copy of the FREE fasting manual at