Your mindset literally creates your brain, if you practice the skill of focus and attention. Your brain is changing second by second and the cool thing is, that you are the master of your brain if you learn how to be mindful of your thoughts. In this episode, I dive into some cool facts and tips that you can put to use right away. Enjoy!
Famous Abe had so many setbacks in his life that it is almost unfathomable, yet he became the President of the United States that changed the course of history for this great nation. Find out how he did it and how you have the very same potential! Enjoy!
There is more to life than simply increasing the speed of it. That's a Ghandi quote and very relevant for today's episode. Take a listen to find out how and why you must slow down your brain from always living out in the future. Enjoy!
In life, our brains will trick us into believing that our decisions are life and death. Fortunately, they are not that, in 99.9% of instances. So why do we play it so safe as if that were the case? In today's episode, I discuss why its your duty to abandon this idea of safe. Enjoy!