As I continue to break down the 50th Law and lessons on being fear-less, it should become more and more apparent that unless you learn how to deal with fear, you will always live life at way less than your potential.
Coming into the New Year, you will think about what you want to achieve this year or why this year is going to be different.
It will only be different once you think differently (about fear specifically).
When most people get sick, their only go-to is medication for symptom relief.
I get it, I’ve been there.
But what if you could have some ‘out of the box’ supplements that would prevent you from getting sick in the first place?
Yes, this may be controversial because of the Lame Stream Media, but I am not one to shy away from controversy.
How Does a Week Without Worry Sound?
Two weeks ago, I told Devon that I was making a commitment to not have any worries for a week.
Yes, those thoughts were certainly going to pop up, the task was going to be to shift my attention as soon as I felt them.
Afterall, the grass is always greener where you put your focus.
In today’s episode, I share the next batch of lessons about being fear-LESS.
Napolean, one of, if not the greatest army generals in history had a philosophy on mental to physical.
The moral was to the physical a 3 to 1 advantage.
Meaning, your mind and attitude are far more powerful than your physical resources.
We see this in great talent that never seem to achieve their full potential.
However, once understood and applied, it can be your biggest advantage.
In today’s lesson, I pick out 7 key points from the next installment of the 50th Law and being fear-LESS.
Napolean, one of, if not the greatest army generals in history had a philosophy on mental to physical.
The moral was to the physical a 3 to 1 advantage.
Meaning, your mind and attitude are far more powerful than your physical resources.
We see this in great talent that never seem to achieve their full potential.
However, once understood and applied, it can be your biggest advantage.
In today’s lesson, I pick out 7 key points from the next installment of the 50th Law and being fear-LESS.
In today’s episode, I continue to unpack the book, The 50th Law.
Realize in life that you are alone. Realize that no one is coming to your rescue.
And know that being free from what others think you should be, is the ultimate freedom.
Do you know what your principles in life are?
It’s okay if you don’t know, most are never asked this question.
In today’s episode, I take a detour from the lessons of fear to give you the framework for developing your philosophy of life.
For an example, you can download my free '33 Principles to Win at Life' manual to get your brain going on this concept. You can get it here:
In today’s episode of ULYIS, I present to you another in my series of ‘The 50th Law’.
All about fear and how to handle it.
You’ll have to listen to find out the source of all knowledge, but know that you have to empty your cup constantly if you are going to access it.
Enjoy the listen!
Over ten years ago, I first read the book, the 50th Law.
It is one of my top 5 all-time books.
In today’s episode, I go over some lessons that I pull right from the book and share with you my insights and experience with these principles.
Who couldn’t use a little more fearlessness in their life?
Two weekends ago, Suzy and I went on a road trip.
But it wasn’t just a road trip, it was a journey.
A journey in which Suzy had a big break through with her faith.
A journey in which I witnessed here metamorph from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
This episode is me, witnessing a beautiful transformation. Enjoy!
Life Lessons from Jiu-Jitsu
It’s hard for me to believe that I have already been going to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for 4 years already.
I remember the nervous, excited energy when I made that decision.
I felt like a fish out of water for the first 3 months, at least!
I figured it would be timely to reflect on some life lessons from BJJ that I feel might benefit you in some way.
It does not matter if you know anything about jiu-jitsu or not, the lessons will be applicable.
I am fortunate enough to study some pretty interesting things.
Things that may have never been studied in conjunction with one another.
And that means, making connections that no one has ever made, at least not through the same route.
If you really stop to think about it, you do the same things or have the potential to do the same thing.
We each have our own unique ‘stack’, something I’ve talked about many times before and something I open the show with.
Sometimes, seemingly intelligent people do things that make zero sense according to logic.
You see that in fitness and nutrition all the time.
Heck, you even see it with everything going on in the world today.
I know that if you listen to today’s episode of my podcast, you’ll connect some dots and become more powerful because of it.
Way back in 2003, when I was first interning with Rutgers Football strength and conditioning, I realized that what I had been taught in college regarding weight loss was completely wrong.
Nearly all of it.
How so?
Well, a good percentage of the football guys were shredded and muscular, despite no long distance cardio nor watching their calories.
They were in their hormonal prime, having intense workouts (remember intensity is relative to the person) and eating as much food as they could get down.
And shredded.
Not that we have to be shredded (trust me, it’s overrated in my humble but accurate opinion).
In today’s episode I explain the nuances of cardio for weight loss and hopefully it will shed some light on you as to what your workouts should be doing for you.
Lessons Learned From Ten Days Without Food
It’s hard for me to believe that it has already come and gone, but my 10 day long experiment without food is behind me.
In this final podcast about my journey, I go over the main lessons I learned regarding my detox and how it applies to you.
Two of the things I talk about are knowing your why and your what.
To get your FREE Fasting Bundle, go to:
On September 7th, I began a ten day long trek with something known as the Master Cleanse.
Funny thing is, my energy was superb, even though I didn’t eat food for ten days.
In this episode of ULYIS, my energy hits a new high as I break down common eating myths including:
>Fake Fitness Experts that say One Meal Per day is Wrong
>The fallacy of caloric deficits
>The beauty of dynamic energy
>Transmuting your energy
>Why the internal environment of your body determines how your body will change
Enjoy and don't for get to subscribe!
I do believe a big part of my destiny is in helping to figure out how to help people eat right through fasting, detox and natural foods to attain purity of health.
In fact, it’s one of the things I pray for guidance with before each meal.
With that in mind, I know that I must first test the theories on myself.
This serves two purposes; one, to see how it works and to have first hand experience. And two, it’s like Roger Bannister running the 4 minute mile, at first, people thought it was impossible and after he did it, multitudes of people did it that very same year.
Their beliefs in what was possible were altered.
Now, I am not saying that I am Roger Bannister, but once someone goes first, the path becomes a little easier for everyone else following, just as I’ve seen with the Panda program.
In today’s episode, I talk about my current 110-day journey without caffeine and the current detox protocol I am doing which sounds crazy, but only time will tell.
Yes, the human body is the human body, so there are those out there that don’t delineate men and women’s training.
But I feel that it is important to examine the principles of training, so you can decipher what to focus on in a workout as a busy dad.
In this episode of ULYIS, I discuss some in depth principles, but don’t worry, I keep it simple.
How Can We Live in Two Different Realities?
A part of what is so great about road trips is that you can have deeper conversations than you would have if you were just passing by each other during a busy week.
I had some great conversations with my bros a few weeks ago that I will recount in today’s episode.
It’s too important not to share and it’s all about creating reality on your terms.
The simplicity of this will leave you shocked.
In ancient Greece, the great thinkers would often fast, not for weight loss but more for higher level thought.
Fasting does a whole bunch of cool things for your brain though certain hormones.
And, it's all based in the science of survival.
Even if you don't have to lose weight, consider the other powers of fasting such as these.
Your Inner Creates Your Outer
One of the reasons that I fell in love with Mind Mapping was because of the power to know yourself on a deeper level.
Think about it, we have a mind, a brain; one of the most powerful things in the known galaxy, yet many of us don’t acknowledge just how powerful it is.
In today’s episode, I cover some key questions that’ll be useful right away as long as you put them to use.
And more. Enjoy!
P.S-If you'd like to get a copy of my free fasting manual, infused with Mind Map principles, then go to:
Intermittent Fasting: Fad or Fact?
That is the title of the newspaper article that prodded me to record this episode.
It does seem that fasting is gaining more traction but I do contest that it will never become mainstream for multiple reasons.
In this episode:
-Why fasting is not a fad diet
-Why looking at everything within the frame of calories is absolutely wrong
-The simplicity of fasting
-No, it’s not similar to cutting calories
-Don’t trust a so called expert that has never tried longer fasting
And more. Enjoy!
P.S-If you'd like to get a copy of my free fasting manual, infused with Mind Map principles, then go to:
At this moment, you have no worries.
All of the turmoil and muddy waters in your mind are of a different time, be it past or future.
In this episode, I explain some level 2 Mind Map concepts for you that I think you’ll be able to put to use straight away, including:
-What the anxiety gap is and how it can benefit you
-Why fear is just a projection
-The only point on the timeline that anger can arise from
-The difference between a problem and a predicament
-Why knocking down the feeling of ‘heightened inner importance’ is a must if you want to create life on your terms
And more. Enjoy!
P.S-If you'd like to get a copy of my free fasting manual, infused with Mind Map principles, then go to:
Aligning Mind, Body and Spirit for Weight Loss
The hardest part for most people is finding the right way of eating that works physiologically.
For most, they never get past this stage.
However, if you are fortunate enough to get past this stage, you must make sure your mind and spirit align with the path, or your transformation will forever allude you.
In this episode, I talk about the 3 phases and
Enjoy the episode!
P.S-If you'd like to get a copy of my free fasting manual, infused with Mind Map principles, then go to:
The other night, I had a dream about Bigfoot. And I tell you this, so that you can understand that embracing your uniqueness and weirdness is a great thing. It is where life becomes rich and colorful. If, on the other hand, you just want to fit in, then you will always have to suppress your uniqueness. You can't have it both ways. Enjoy the episode!
P.S-If you'd like to get a copy of my free fasting manual, infused with Mind Map principles, then go to: