Cognitive Dissonance is when you have two opposing thoughts, that you believe in to some level, that causes a feeling of uneasiness to settle in.
In this episode, I talk about:
-2 simple ways to banish cognitive dissonance quickly
-Throwing a bullet at you versus firing it from a gun
-And more ways to stress your body in a workout than just doing multiple sets scattered all over the gym
In this episode, I discuss 3 ‘secrets’ of your mind.
They are only secrets because most people are unaware of them and if they are aware of them, they aren’t sure how to implement them.
Do yourself a favor and listen in to find out more about:
-Hebb’s Law
-The law of rhythm
-The law of creation
PS-My personal website,, will be completely updated and ready to rock at the start of 2021, so stay tuned!
In this episode, I got to thinking about how unhealthy it is to wear a face diaper and that go me to thinking some more about some common health myths you may have been led to buying into over the years. Including:
-Why milk is not a superfood and why it is perhaps the worst food you can consume
-Why exercise is not good for weight loss (directly)
-Why you need to be mindful of what's in your drinking water
-The calorie myth
-Why cholesterol is not evil
In this episode, I got to thinking about how unhealthy it is to wear a face diaper and that go me to thinking some more about some common health myths you may have been led to buying into over the years. Including:
-Why milk is not a superfood and why it is perhaps the worst food you can consume
-Why exercise is not good for weight loss (directly)
-Why you need to be mindful of what's in your drinking water
-The calorie myth
-Why cholesterol is not evil
In this episode, I got to thinking about how unhealthy it is to wear a face diaper and that go me to thinking some more about some common health myths you may have been led to buying into over the years. Including:
-Why milk is not a superfood and why it is perhaps the worst food you can consume
-Why exercise is not good for weight loss (directly)
-Why you need to be mindful of what's in your drinking water
-The calorie myth
-Why cholesterol is not evil
Back in 2005, my life changed for the worse, but ultimately for the better.
This is the first time that I have shared this story publicly, partly because it was a sensitive topic and a bit embarrassing.
In this episode, I talk about:
-The power of your mind in healing your physical body
-How even the darkest moments of your life are lined with silver
-How I wanted to end my life at one point
And more! Please share this if you found any bit of inspiration in this story.
Enjoy the episode!
P.S-For a copy of my FREE, updated fasting manual, infused with 5 Mind Map principles, never before given out, you can go to and simply enter your name and email address. Talk soon!
Let me preface this episode by stating that there is a BIG difference between knowing that to think (it’s easy because in most cases you are told and programmed what to think) vs. HOW to think.
It’s now December, 8 and half months since COVID began. At that time, many if not most people were totally unprepared mentally to deal with the fear and uncertainty that came along with it.
Well, supposed things got ‘worse’. What are you going to do then?
Start training your mind-set now. Your mind will create your world and your mindset will be the one thing that can help you weather any storm.
But, it won’t perform to its full capabilities if you’re just waiting and wishing.
Working on your mind is as important if not more so than working out with your body.
In today’s episode, I discuss:
-The importance of your morning routine
-Why focus will determine your beliefs
-The famous skill of reframing and some key questions you can use to reframe
Enjoy the episode!
P.S-For a copy of my FREE, updated fasting manual, infused with 5 Mind Map principles, never before given out, you can go to and simply enter your name and email address. Talk soon!
In today’s episode, I want to shine light on other aspects of your health besides being told to hide out from others, distance and wear a mask.
When we look at something like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we can see the different elements of health and why all must be addressed.
Listen to find out:
-Why sunlight is critical, especially right now
-Why walking will boost health big time
-Why levels 3 and 4 of Maslow’s pyramid are critical to your health
-How to recognize freeze mode so that you can get out of it
Remember, logic and emotion do not mix. When we are being told constantly to live in a state of fear, it can easily put a person into threat mode, making the rest of your health and life almost impossible to navigate.
Enjoy the episode!
P.S-For a copy of my FREE, updated fasting manual, infused with 5 Mind Map principles, never before given out, you can go to and simply enter your name and email address. Talk soon!
One of the most frequent topics I get privately asked about has to do with fear.
Over the years it seems that people have come to see me as an expert in handling fear and I take that as an honor as I only teach what I do and have done.
Fear resides in your mind.
In this episode, I talk about:
-Why all fear is imaginary, therefore, not real
-The two big types of fear
-Your belief systems
-The ultimate fear for the human being
And more, enjoy the show!
In 2012, I hired a guy named Vince to Coach me as I transitioned full-time into Newell Strength.
It’s been 8 years and I am still with him. Why? Well, I see the tremendous value in the Coaching and I know the investment continues to pay off, month after month, year after year.
In today’s episode, I go over:
-Clarity: why your brain craves this to move on your ideas
-Focus: putting your attention where it needs to be
-Direction: as long as you are moving in the right direction, you’ll eventually get to where you want to be
-Strategy: strategies will withstand the test of time, tactics will not. Know the difference
-Support: you need someone to constantly help you put your right brain to work, so you can hold strong the vision that you are working on creating
Enjoy and spread the word!
In my freshman year of highschool, I remember being ridiculed in front of the class by a teacher of mine for no particular reason, during a talk she wanted me to give.
That set off a fear of speaking in front of others.
This continued for subsequent years until I decided to do something about it.
In this episode, I talk about my 3 step process for overcoming weaknesses:
When you follow these 3 steps, you can turn any weakness into a great strength.
Enjoy the show!
This is not a lesson on fasting, although I do drop some golden nuggets in here about fasting.
But it is the story about how YOU can become a leading expert in YOUR chosen field in just 5 years. In this episode, you will:
-Discover why I began my fasting journey in 2014
-Learn my process of becoming leading expert
-Learn how I accelerate my learning process and how you can do the same
-See why you must empty your cup to become a leading expert
If anything resonated with you, please hit the share button!
‘If you want to find the secrets to the universe, look no further than energy, frequency and vibration.’ -Nikola Tesla
I have some BIG news for you. The secrets to your universe aren’t in some hidden cave at the bottom of the ocean, locked in a vault.
Nope, they are right up there, in your brain.
And it begins with self-awareness.
In today’s episode I discuss:
-fear of change
-the 3 brains
-how to become more self-aware and why that’s so important
Enjoy the show!
You have a lot of great ideas.
You have a lot of things you are passionate about.
But how do you go about the process of creation and bringing these thoughts to fruition?
In today’s episode:
-How I Created a Book with 5 Legends of Industry
-How I leveraged time when I was running NS full time along with teaching full time
-Not being afraid of having people disagree with you. No one wants a bland character to follow
-Reframing in your head, ‘I Earned the Right to Write this Book’
There’s something in here for you if you are having trouble bringing your ideas to the world. And if you want, just reach out, happy to lend my ear.
Too many people make the mistake of thinking their workouts are solely for weight loss purposes.
The first question you have to address is, ‘What’s the goal of your workout?’
In today’s episode I cover:
-The approach to mindset in your workouts
-Why you should always be trying to raise your energy levels
-Why I listen to ‘lame’ music in my workouts
Decide you are going to be different and a whole new set of doors open up for you.
In life, you don’t have success just because you want it.
Nor is going around, feeling like you ‘have to’ have it, going to work.
In today’s episode, I discuss the 3 levels of commitment psychology:
-You Want to (infantile ego)
-You NEED to (rebellion mindset)
-I WILL (a champion’s mindset)
In today’s episode of Unlocking Your Inner Strength, BK and I discuss:
-Turning 40
-Fasting and the effects on gut health
-The great increase in energy you will see with fasting
-A dash of habit formation
-Resetting your nervous system with fasting
It’s been a while since I went on one of my rants in a podcast, but today you are in luck.
In today’s episode:
-A sign I received from the universe
-Trying to build a business on a faulty foundation
-The pendulum of Karma
-Your unique stack and the power of it
-How they use fear and fear of judgment in covering COVID (mind map lessons)
Two weekends ago, I finished a book called the Circadian Code, which was authored by, ironically, Dr. Panda.
Some of the book was rudimentary, but as I got to the end there were about 10 pages of cool research that validated stuff I’ve been teaching in the Panda Program. Yes, this is the best eating system in the world if your goal is energy and permanent weight loss, but it’s nice to see my philosophy validated by a fellow expert’s book.
In today’s episode, I talk about some of the stuff that was within those 10 pages.
About 12 years ago, I learned from my Coach, Scott Abel, at the time, that the one thing people fear most is change, yet change is the only constant in life.
Isn’t that ironic?
Yet, it’s important for you to remember that the change isn’t random, it’s driven.
Everything that happens in the universe follows the law of cause and effect. Nothing escapes this law.
My mom has been giving me some of my old stuff and I came across some notecards from a speech I gave in 2007. In life, the most powerful weapon, which can be used for greatness, is your mind. Listen in for the talking points I spoke about then that hold true more than ever. Enjoy!
What is mindset and where does it come from? It it just chance? Nope, your mind is hardwired for the negative and once you recognize this fact of life, you can get to work on rising about the head trash that so many people get stuck in. Enjoy!
In this episode, I am back with my good friend, Brandon Kelly. In this episode, we discuss hitting the reset button in your life, fasting and turning 40. Enjoy the episode!
Be tough like silk. Doesn't seem to make sense on the surface. But then again, neither does the fact that life is most magical on the thin border between order and chaos. In today's episode, I dive into some of these concepts, taken from Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules for Life. Enjoy!
Daryn is a long time friend of mine. I reached out to him to start a series of discussions about getting to the root of the problem when it comes to issues that seem to repeat themselves amongst those that come from tougher childhoods, regardless of race. One of the main things is building trust amongst ourselves, rather than division, so we can give a helping hand up, rather than a hand out.