In this episode, I break down two quick games that you can play alone or with a partner to instantly increase your energy levels. Give it a shot and let me know what you think!
This story is one of the most powerful stories I have ever come across as far as putting your life into perspective. In this episode, listen as I tell you the five minute story and then go into 10 quick lessons that you can take away from this story. Enjoy!
If you'd like to have a complimentary Coaching call with Kyle, you can go to and fill out the application.
In life, the things you most want others to give you or show to you are the things you must give first. If you want more love and respect, then you first have to show more love and respect. In this episode, I explain how the same door you give through is the same door you receive from.
In order to create the life you want, you need to increase your energy. All creation requires us to raise energy levels and you can only raise your energy to the maximum possible by making sure you checking all the boxes in the Fitness Pizza Pie. Enjoy!
This whole idea of perfection is really just fear disguised as something that makes the ego feel good. Yes, the concept of perfection feeds the monster that is our ego. In today's quick hitting episode, I discuss the concept of perfection and why you don't need to be perfect to be great. If you are interested in more of.
If you are interested in a complimentary Coaching call with Kyle, go to and submit your application.
If you are listening to this show, then you want to continue to better your life. Winners are always seeking out growth opportunities. Yet, before making any decision, you must consider 3 key questions. In this episode, I go over the 3 key questions and I also apply them to the pendulum of fitness. Enjoy!
Life is about asking the right questions. Whenever you are deciding which path to go down, you need to think about 'Am I willing to put the energy in to this project until it pays off?' If the answer is no, then you probably shouldn't be doing it to begin with. A woodpecker knocks down the tree one peck at a time.
I've been fortunate enough in life to have some great Coaches, mentors, hard knocks and experience. With all those things, I've begun to compile a list of rules that I live by, that hopefully, can help you too! In this episode, I discuss putting your time first, a constant focus on energy and making sure you are having fun in life!
In life, all we have to do is be all that we are. This is a paradigm shift from thinking we need to be more than we are. If you are looking for 5 minutes of inspiration heading into the weekend, then check this out!